Myths About Starting a Music Career
Did you ever consider that your own beliefs about becoming a successful artist might be hindering your chances of becoming one? It’s common for musicians to compare themselves to others and doubt their chances of making it. Those thoughts can sabotage your best intentions if you leave them unexamined, giving them free reign to unconsciously influence your choices. Becoming aware of them gives you the freedom to let go and open up to a world of opportunities.
In 10 Myths about a Music Career, Identity Music identifies these myths that you may believe without realizing it.
1. I won’t make it unless I know someone.
Knowing people in high places will not automatically get you winning opportunities. It’s your amazing talent that gets you noticed. Put your energy into cultivating relationships and establishing meaningful connections within the industry as you build your career.
2. I need to live in a big city.
Where you live does not determine your success. With the internet you can create opportunities for yourself literally anywhere - technology and the internet offer opportunities to work with anyone, anywhere.
3. I’m too old to make it as a musician.
Are you talented? Do you have drive and determination? Focus on what you offer and forget about your age.
4. I can’t make a living as a musician.
Granted, you are going to have a tough time if you rely on a single source of income but if you are willing to invest the time and energy over time to establish a wide variety of income sources your revenue stream will grow exponentially.
5. I need to study music at University to make it.
Formal education can help deepen your knowledge of your craft and the industry but you’ll learn more about yourself as an artist through the experience of getting out there and doing your it.
6. It’s too difficult now, it used to be easy to be a musician.
Really? It’s never been easier to get your music heard than it is now. You don’t need the big labels, getting your music out there is fast and inexpensive. Put yourself out there and then you can focus on getting future fans to play it and appreciate it. Then, the opportunities will follow.
7. The music industry isn’t fair, it will never help me.
The big players in the music industry are losing ground due to changes in how music is consumed and delivered. Streaming services bring accessibility to the marketplace and the number of top tier artists is growing by the thousands.
8. I need to know how to read sheet music.
Music is a language and if you can’t read or write it, you can still listen to it and play it by ear to understand it the way it was intended.
9. There’s no money in streaming.
Streaming can bring in a reliable income stream whether it’s by getting lucrative high profile placements or by being one of many sources of income.
10. Excuses: “I’m too [insert word here] to make it”
Everyone has them—those labels we attach to ourselves that make us self-conscious about what we perceive are our flaws. Learn to let go and focus on what you have, on developing your talents, finding your niche and connecting with your audience. That’s how you create a music career.
- From 10 Myths about a Music Career, Identity Music, October 16, 2020. Identity Music Ltd is a Worldwide Digital Music Distribution, Rights Management, and Music Promotion Company headquartered in the UK.